Jurnal Psikologi Sosial 2024-09-06T19:18:54+07:00 Joevarian Hudiyana (Editor-in-Chief of JPS) Open Journal Systems <p><strong><span style="font-size: xx-large;">JURNAL PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL (JPS)</span></strong></p> <p>JPS is an open-access journal that publishes empirical research aimed at advancing our understanding of theoretical issues in the field of social psychology, especially within the context of Indonesian people. We accept both quantitative and qualitative research from a wide range of scholars, including Indonesian researchers and researchers outside of Indonesia. We focused on the investigation of social psychology for Indonesian people regardless of where they live and seek to develop social psychology as both basic sciences as well as applied science. JPS is published twice annually, in February and August.</p> <p>JPS is currently managed by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, and the Indonesian Association of Social Psychology (Ikatan Psikologi Sosial – IPS). Originally, we published only the printed version of JPS. However, since 2017 we have officially published both the printed and the online versions of the articles. The articles of JPS between 2017 and 2018 have been processed and published on the old website (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>) since 2019 we introduced the new website of JPS.</p> <p>________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>Nationally Accredited Journal: <strong>Grade 2 of SINTA</strong> (SK: 10/E/KPT/2019).</p> <p>ISSN Print: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">0853-3997</a></p> <p>ISSN Elektronik: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-8558</a></p> <p>Email: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a></p> <p>Publisher: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Indonesian Association of Social Psychology, HIMPSI</a></p> <p>Supported by: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Office for Research and Innovation Management (KPPRI), Universitas Indonesia</a></p> <p>Visit our old OJS: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">old website</a></p> <p>&nbsp;________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Catatan dari Chief Editor: Sumbangsih jurnal psikologi sosial dalam isu modern hubungan romantis 2024-08-30T19:06:00+07:00 Joevarian Hudiyana <p>Seiring dengan perkembangan norma dalam masyarakat dan evolusi dari platform digital, cara manusia saling terhubung, menjalin relasi, berkomunikasi, dan mempertahankan hubungan juga terdampak. Begitu pula dalam hubungan romantis seperti berpacaran, berkencan, atau bahkan pernikahan.</p> <p>Jika dulu pasangan bertemu lewat pertemuan sosial atau pesta, perkenalan melalui keluarga, perjodohan, atau lewat jasa <em>mak comblang</em>, saat ini kesempatan menemui calon pasangan bisa terjadi lewat satu klik saja di media sosial ataupun lewat berbagai aplikasi kencan. Meski demikian, isu-isu seperti kekerasan dalam hubungan romantis atau <em>trust issue </em>antar pasangan masih menjadi topik yang penting bahkan berinteraksi dengan digitalisasi hubungan romantis yang telah disebutkan.</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Catatan Managing Editor: Menemukenali kembali cinta dan seksualitas dalam riset relasi diadik (romantis) di Psikologi Indonesia 2024-08-31T08:26:20+07:00 Wahyu Rahardjo <p>Perilaku mencari pasangan adalah sesuatu yang lazim dilakukan oleh mahluk hidup, termasuk manusia. Perilaku ini menjadi menarik untuk dicermati sekaligus ditelaah, mengingat terjadi dalam kondisi yang cenderung kompetitif dikarenakan perbedaan rasio jenis kelamin, dan jumlah individu yang tergolong produktif secara seksual (Albert dkk., 2024). Artinya, perilaku mencari pasangan ini memang secara sengaja dilakukan individu tidak secara acak, namun berdasarkan standar kesukaan tertentu terhadap calon pasangan (Apostolou dkk., 2023), di mana baik pria dan wanita memiliki karakteristik unik yang berbeda dalam mencari pasangan lawan jenisnya (Zink, Weir, &amp; Fisher, 2022). Dewasa ini perilaku mencari pasangan menjadi kian mudah dilakukan dan terbantu dengan banyaknya aplikasi kencan tertentu yang dilakukan secara daring (Ranzini, Rosenbaum, &amp; Tybur, 2022; Vranken, Sumter, &amp; Vandenbosch, 2024). Di dalam konteks ini, individu dapat berposisi sebagai pencari, atau justru yang dicari oleh orang lain untuk dijadikan pasangan (Schmitt &amp; Buss, 2001).</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pentingnya keterbukaan dan kejujuran dalam presentasi diri: Studi eksplorasi pengguna aplikasi Tinder 2024-08-31T08:16:07+07:00 Maria Bramanwidyantari Avin Fadilla Helmi <p>Humans realize the importance of having a partner. However, the process in achieving this goal is challenging. Online dating became a medium to build romantic relationships that can be done easily through an application. The recognition process between users starts with liking each other's profiles which is assisted by an algorithmic system. So, it is important for users to present themselves properly on their profile. This study aims to see how the user's self-presentation is formed. Through a thematic analysis of the results of a questionnaire involving 383 Tinder online dating users, it was found that actual self-presentation is an important point for online dating users who emphasize aspects of honesty and openness. Differences in the motivation of online dating users do not lead to different self-presentation views between them. Moreover, the actual self in online dating profiles is displayed selectively taking into account the climate of informal interaction on Tinder.</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan menikah wanita dewasa awal yang mengalami <i>trust issues</i> dalam hubungan romansa 2024-08-31T08:21:51+07:00 Ade Herdian Putra Zadrian Ardi Mudjiran Mudjiran Indah Sari Rahmaini <p>Ideally, in the early adult development stage, women are able to find a partner and build a family life. However, this can be hampered when early adult women experience trust issues in romantic relationships. Trust issues in romantic relationships can reduce the level of readiness for marriage in early adult women. This study aims to examine the correlation of several factors that are predicted to have a correlation with the readiness to marry early adult women who experience trust issues in romantic relationships. This study uses a quantitative approach with correlational methods. This study involved 152 young adult women who were categorized as experiencing trust issues in romantic relationships. Data analysis used structural equation model-partial least square analysis. Based on research data analysis, readiness to have sexual relations and intimate communication skills are positively and significantly correlated with readiness to marry early adult women who experience trust issues in romantic relationships. However, this study also found that social environment support and family support did not significantly correlate with readiness for marriage in early adult women who experienced trust issues in romantic relationships. These findings can be a reference for further research with the same theme and references in psychological services with related clients.</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Adaptasi 5-item subskala kekerasan seksual pada instrumen Multidimensional Scale Dating Violence (MSDV) 2024-08-30T19:06:01+07:00 Yonathan Natanael <p>Research studies using the short version of the MSDV still need to be widely carried out by psychology researchers. To prove the validity of the MSDV in its use in Indonesia, this study aims to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the quality of psychometric properties, especially in the five items of the sexual violence subscale on the MSDV instrument. The research method used is a survey research design. The participants in this study were 171 female students with the criteria of having experienced dating violence, studying at universities, and being domiciled in Jakarta, which were obtained by convenience sampling. This study found that the five items of the sexual violence subscale on the MSDV had the appropriate factor structure, had good reliability values, met the convergence-discriminant validity requirements with the DASS-21 and PMH-Scale instruments, and detectable one item is not invariance. This study implies that the four of five items of the sexual violence subscale are appropriate to use as an instrument for screening dating violence in Indonesia.</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peran moral disengagement terhadap perilaku <i>sexting</i> pada remaja yang dimoderasi oleh jenis kelamin 2024-08-31T08:23:26+07:00 Indah Mulyani Indah Cahyanti Winny Puspasari Thamrin <p>Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh moral disengagement terhadap&nbsp;sexting dengan jenis kelamin sebagai variabel kontrol. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 223 remaja yang seluruhnya merupakan mahasiswa. Teknik analisis utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah anacova dengan melibatkan variabel jenis kelamin sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa moral disengagement dan jenis kelamin memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku sexting pada remaja. Artinya, perbedaan jenis kelamin mempengaruhi pula kesempatan yang berbeda untuk terlibat dalam perilaku sexting meskipun keduanya sama-sama memiliki kelonggaran kognitif dalam berperilaku yang bertentangan dengan norma. Hasil penelitian secara lebih lanjut menjelaskan bahwa moral disengagement pada partisipan laki-laki berperan lebih besar dalam membentuk perilaku individu dalam mengirimkan dan menerima pesan berisi konten seksual dibandingkan perempuan. Selain itu, secara keseluruhan, moral disengagement yang tinggi berdampak lebih besar pada perilaku partisipan dalam mengirimkan pesan berkonten seksual dibandingkan sebagai penerima.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: sexting, moral disengagement, jenis kelamin</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Memilih bertahan: bias kognitif pada korban kekerasan dalam pacaran 2024-08-30T19:06:02+07:00 Muhammad Reza Firmansyah Anhar Dana Putra Ainin Rahmanawati <p>Konflik yang tercipta dalam pacaran tidak selamanya dapat diatasi dengan baik, dalam beberapa kasus konflik kerap diatasi dengan agresi dan kekerasan, meskipun demikian masih terdapat individu yang memilih bertahan dalam hubungan walaupun sering mendapatkan tindak kekerasan oleh pasangannya, sehingga penelitian ini kemudian bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi alasan seseorang bertahan dalam kekerasan pada hubungan pacaran, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif penelitian ini menempatkan lima partisipan perempuan yang mengalami kekerasan dalam berpacaran baik secara fisik, verbal, psikologis, dan seksual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bias kognitif pada keputusan partisipan ketika memilih bertahan dalam kekerasan pada hubungan pacaran yang dijalani. Lebih lanjut lagi, penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis bias kognitif yang hadir pada partisipan, diantaranya;<em> framing</em>, <em>emotional bias, illusion of control, loss of aversion </em>dan<em> regret of aversion, </em>Khusus untuk <em>framing</em> hadir dan terkategorisasikan di semua partisipan penelitian. &nbsp;Bias kognitif yang hadir di masing-masing partisipan membuat tindak kekerasan resisten serta berulang sehingga partisipan menjadi tidak berdaya dan terjebak dalam hubungan yang tidak sehat.</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sikap terhadap status lajang sebagai prediktor ketakutan hidup melajang pada mahasiswa dan peran moderasi usia, jenis kelamin dan status pacaran 2024-09-06T19:18:54+07:00 Farida Harahap Ratih Kurniasari Leman Soemowidagdo <p><em>Being single hood has become a choice for young people now. Not a few young people have a positive attitude towards singlehood l and extend their singlehood. Being singlehood occurs because it is involuntary or is an voluntary. However, living permanently singlehood is still considered negative because it is less in harmony with developmental tasks and traditional societal norms. Do people who agree toward singlehood mean they are not afraid of being singlehood? The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between attitudes towards singlehood and fear of being singlehood among college students by controlling the variables of gender, age and romantic relationship status. This research uses a quantitative approach, namely correlational research using control variables. The subjects in this research were 401 college students aged 18-25 years. The online sampling method is to use a covenience sampling. Data were analyzed using partial correlation from Jamovi. Research findings show that there is a significant negative relationship between attitudes toward singlehood and fear of being singlehood in college students (r=-0.289, p&lt;…..) by controlling of gender, age and romantic relationship status. This means that students who agree toward singlehood will be correlated with reduced fear of being singlhoode. These results also show that the fear of being singlehood among college students who are having romantic relationship is smaller than that of students who are not romantic relationship. Gender and age do not influence attitudes towards singlehood and fear of being singlehood.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Korban kekerasan dalam pacaran yang sulit meninggalkan hubungannya 2024-08-30T19:41:22+07:00 Ratu Ifthiharfi Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti Muhammad Akhyar <p>Dating violence (KDP) is one of the most prevalent cases in Indonesia. Most victims of the cases choose to stay in the relationship and forgive their partners. This study aims to investigate whether emotional regulation strategies mediate the role of romantic attachment components on affective and cognitive empathy toward victims of dating violence. Participants in the study were victims of dating violence aged 18-29 years (N= 367) who live in Java Island. Research samples were collected using volunteer techniques (opt-in) panels where participants agreed to be involved through an invitation on a website page without being formally recruited. This study employs The Basic Empathy Scale to measure the dimensions of empathy, the Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory to measure the type of romantic attachment components, and finally Emotion Regulation Questionnaire to measure the type of emotional regulation strategies. By model 4 of Hayes's analyses, the results showed that the <em>reappraisal</em> strategies type mediated the role of <em>avoidance</em> attachment toward empathy, both affective and cognitive. As practical implications, counselors are expected to establish secure attachments, particularly with their clients who experience dating violence in order to stabilize cognitive and affective empathy so they are able to live free of violent relationships.</p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##