About the Journal
- Online Submission
- Author Guidelines
- Submission Preparation Check
- Copyright and Permission
- Privacy Statement
- Author Fees
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial (JPS) publishes empirical research manuscripts, in line with our commitment to developing the science of social psychology in Indonesia. Social psychology, the focus of JPS, is a branch of psychology that specializes in the study of individuals’ behaviors within their social environments or situations. We accept manuscripts with various topics ranging from social cognition (formation or changing of attitudes, explicit/implicit prejudice, consumer behavior, etc.), intragroup dynamics (ingroup values, social influence, team performance, etc.), intergroup relations (intergroup conflict, intergroup cooperation, contact between individuals from different groups, etc.), voting behavior, economic behavior, aggression, radicalism, emotion, online behavior, indigenous psychology, prosocial behavior, social development, and other studies social psychological phenomenon experienced by Indonesian people regardless where they live.
Abstracting and Indexing Services
1. Science and Technology Index (SINTA): Grade 2 (Nationally Accredited)
2. Google Scholar: H-Index= 6, i10index=3, Citation= 243 (updated June 2020)
3. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (Base)
4. Crossref
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial (JPS) implements a double-blind peer review process, which means that the received manuscripts will be reviewed by scholars without any knowledge of the authors’ identity and the authors have no knowledge of the reviewers’ identity. This is applied in order to maintain the quality of the articles that we publish. The decision for acceptance is ultimately based on the decision of at least two reviewers.
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial (JPS) is openly and directly accessible to the public. This is to support the increasing need for a transparent and open science framework in the globally significant exchange of knowledge.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial (JPS, since 2017) is published twice annually: In February and August.
Article Processing Charges
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial (JPS) does not charge any payment from the authors at all processes (from submission to online publication). All administrations are free of charge.
Publication Ethics
Editors, Reviewers, and Authors involved in the manuscript management process in the Journal of Social Psychology (JPS) should understand the ethics of scientific publications. Commitment to ethics is paramount for conducting proper science.
1. The editor should decide which script should continue to the review process, determining the appropriate reviewers, requesting a revision, maintaining the quality of the script in both its content and appearance.
2. The editor should ensure that the desk review process is carried out with fairness.
3. The editor should ensure that the double-blind peer review process is met. This means that the editor maintains the confidentiality of the author's identity and the two reviewers in the review process. Further, the editor possesses the right to provide input for the script to maintain the quality of the article.
4. The editor should uphold the principles of neutrality and objectiveness, which means that there should never be any discrimination against authors based on their identities in the submission and publication processes. The editor should ensure that JPS avoids any conflict of interest.
5. The editor is obliged to accept complaints from the author which can be submitted via JPS email: jurnalpsikologisosial@ui.ac.id
6. The editor should ensure that violation of ethics (in accordance with the Committee of Publication Ethics - COPE) will result in retraction of the manuscript.
1. The review should be carried out by at least two reviewers.
2. Each reviewer is obliged to make a decision on a script: rejected or accepted (with or without improvement/revision).
3. Reviewers are obliged to provide input, suggestions, recommendations, and constructive critics for the improvement of the script’s quality.
4. Reviewers should uphold the principle of confidentiality, in which they are not permitted to discuss the texts with other parties without the knowledge of the editorial team.
5. Reviewers must be objective in their decisions, underlying each input based on scientific justifications.
6. Reviewers must not have any conflict of interest.
1. Author(s) must comply with the rules and format of writing used by JPS. For this reason, the author(s) must ensure that the script is in accordance with the JPS template.
2. Manuscripts must be original, should never be published prior to submission, and are not being processed for publication in other journals.
3. Author(s) must ensure that the manuscript is free of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. This means that every text in the script (other than direct quotations) must be paraphrased and not direct copied texts from other sources.
4. Studies reported by the author(s) must comply with the ethical principles in conducting research. This means that the research conducted must not harm the subject/participant of the study (both physically / psychologically).
5. The authors should contribute to the manuscript and the sequence in which the authors are shown should reflect the amount of contribution by each author.
6. The authors should disclose any conflict of interest on the title page.
Plagiarism Screening
The editor always checks the level of similarity or plagiarism using Authenticate. The maximum limit of similarity score that we accept is 20%, while the total percentage of each similarity unit score should not reach more than 3%.
Online Submission
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
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Manual Guide Book for Author
Author Guidelines
Criteria of Manuscripts for JPS
The guides for writing can be accessed Here
The title page (halaman judul) for the manuscript can be accessed Here
Template for the manuscript (main document) can be accessed Here
1. The manuscript must cover the topic of social psychology with a minimum of one social psychology variable. Once this requirement is met, the manuscript may then use other psychological variables or non-psychological variables.
2. The manuscript must provide empirical research, whether quantitative or qualitative methods.
3. The manuscript must contain novelty or advancement of knowledge, both in theoretical terms and/or pragmatic solutions to problems in Indonesia.
4. Replication studies are permitted while still providing a strong rationale and justification/presenting elements of novelty (such as a novelty in participants, years, or places).
5. Research may be conducted individually or in a group, and may also be conducted by non-academic researchers.
6. Research is written by the authors must not contain plagiarism.
7. The author(s) is responsible for the content and the entire body of the texts (except the layout).
8. The manuscript must exhibit systematic thinking and coherence of writings in all of its sections: the beginning (background) to conclusions. Every sentence is not a mere opinion or an assumption without logical foundations, rationales, reference to previous works, or other valid references.
9. Manuscripts must never be published previously in other journals or proceedings, both nationally and internationally.
10. Manuscripts originating from the thesis/dissertation must be amended accordingly to the guidelines of JPS writing.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
1. The manuscript must cover the topic of social psychology with a minimum of one social psychology variable. Once this requirement is met, the manuscript may then use other psychological variables or non-psychological variables.
2. Manuscripts are written in accordance with the JPS formatting standards (Introduction, Research Methods, Research Results, Discussion, Conclusions)
3. Manuscripts are written in MS Word (RTF/DOC/DOCX) with a length of 4000-6000 words, including abstracts (maximum: 250 words) and references.
4. All manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. Abstracts must be made in two languages. If using Indonesian, all word, phrase, and variable used must include the Indonesian equivalent.
5. The title of the article must be concise and straightforward (no more than 18 words) and intriguing (unlike the thesis formal title, "relationship between", etc.). The title must imply the social-psychological nature of the research and the research problems being tested.
6. Manuscripts must never be published previously in other journals or proceedings, both nationally and internationally.
7. Manuscripts submitted must not be in the process of submission, review, or processed in journals other than JPS.
Copyright and Permission
1. The journal and respective authors hold exclusive copyrights of all materials published in the Jurnal Psikologi Sosial.
2. Any reproduction of any parts from the journal, without proper acknowledgment or prior permission, will result in an infringement of intellectual property laws.
3. Journal Psikologi Sosial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), which means that this journal has the rights to copy and redistribute its materials in any medium or format and adapt the materials for any purpose as long as it keeps the Author's name as the owner of Copyright.
4. Printed and electronically published manuscripts are open access for educational, research, and library purposes. The editorial board shall not be liable for violations of copyright law for other purposes.
Privacy Statement
Each author and reviewer identity entered in this journal will only be used for purposes in the journal management process, not used for other purposes by other parties outside the journal manager.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)